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Here at TrinityLutheranChurch “TLC Family”, with God in Christ at the center of every service, we offer traditional worship mightily used by God to reach and enfold the lost, as well as to strengthen and equip the found. The liturgy is an extended dialogue between God and the worshipers. Our worship is intergenerational within an atmosphere that is joyfully reverent. The sermons are Biblically centered and confessionally faithful, intending to address the personal needs of the congregation and our surrounding communities. Our music and hymns blend both the traditional and contemporary.
We invite you to join the TLC Family for worship as you come into God’s presence each Sunday morning (October thru May) at 8:30am and 11am. Holy Communion is celebrated in both services each Sunday. During the summer months, June thru September, we combine the services for @ 10:00am Divine Worship with Adult Bible Class @ 8:30am & 11:30am in the Fellowship Center. Children's Sunday School @ 11:30am (June & August & Septemer only).
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Trinity Lutheran Church 81500 Miles Ave Indio, CA 92201