Lutheran Women's Missionary League meet each month on the 2nd Thursdays @ 10:30am. The meetings begin with a short meeting and move into a program. We have had speakers from the community and from the Pacific Southwest District. We complete the meeting with lunch provided. It is a fun opportunity to get to know other TLC members and our winter visitors and friends of both. Meetings are held from September thru May. Our December meeting is a Saturday meeting with a white elephant gift exchange and cookie exchange. All are encouraged to attend our meetings. There is a sign up sheet near the entrance of the sanctuary to help us prepare for your arrival before each meeting. We hope to have you join us!
Monthly Ladies Luncheon Meetings
2nd Thursdays @ 10:30am
September - May
TLC Fellowship Center
Click here for TLC Women's Bible Study
Mites! Mites!
Mites still need to be collected! The grants need to be paid!
Let’s take the money we saved when we didn‘t go out to dinner these past months and put it in Mites.
Send a check to: Trinity Lutheran LWML
P.O. Box 1586 Indio, Ca 92202
Or, the Mite box will be in the Narthex on Sunday.
Let’s be generous.
Phyllis Hafliger, Mite Chairman
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Trinity Lutheran Church 81500 Miles Ave Indio, CA 92201